
G0121: Matrix not positive definite [procs, line 140]

2 Answers


This error means that on line 140 of the file named procs, your program is passing a matrix that is not positive definite to a GAUSS function that requires a positive definite matrix.

This most commonly occurs when a program passes a matrix that is not positive definite to the GAUSS function invpd. invpd calculates the inverse of a positive definite matrix.




For more information on how to diagnose a matrix not positive definite errors see our blog, "Diagnosing a singular matrix".



Your Answer

2 Answers


This error means that on line 140 of the file named procs, your program is passing a matrix that is not positive definite to a GAUSS function that requires a positive definite matrix.

This most commonly occurs when a program passes a matrix that is not positive definite to the GAUSS function invpd. invpd calculates the inverse of a positive definite matrix.


For more information on how to diagnose a matrix not positive definite errors see our blog, "Diagnosing a singular matrix".

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