Install GAUSSplot 8.0

GAUSSplot 8.0 is no longer supported. GAUSS now contains superior built-in graphics functions and capabilities. Contact Aptech Support for assistance on using the new graphics.

Run the installer

  • To run the installer, browse to the location where the GAUSSplot installer was downloaded (usually your Downloads folder). The downloaded file should be named,, etc.
  • Double-click on the zip file and you should see the GAUSSplot Installer File.
  • Double-click on this file to begin the installation.
  • Follow the installer's instructions to complete the installation.


  1. Install GAUSSplot AFTER you have installed GAUSS/GAUSS Engine.
  2. Ensure that you install GAUSSplot in the SAME installation directory as GAUSS/GAUSS Engine. The default GAUSSplot installation is c:\gauss11\ (on Windows). This needs to be changed to your GAUSS installation directory (usually c:\gauss25 on Windows or the directory where you installed GAUSS on LINUX)
  3. Default GAUSSplot installation directory

  4. If you have updated your GAUSS/GAUSS Engine to a newer version, you will need to REINSTALL your GAUSSplot into your new GAUSS/GAUSS Engine installation directory.
  5. GAUSSplot must be installed in a location in which the user has read and write privileges.
  6. If you need assistance installing GAUSSplot for LINUX or on a Floating Network, please contact Support by clicking here


The License file you receive should include license codes for GAUSS/GAUSS Engine AND GAUSSplot. Ensure that you place your License file in your GAUSS installation directory (usually c:\gauss25 on Windows or the directory where you installed GAUSS on LINUX).

Run GAUSSplot

GAUSSplot example files are located in GAUSSHOME/gaussplot/examples directory.

Install your permanent license: Single User License

When you receive your permanent license, simply place it in the GAUSS installation directory. The default location is usually c:\gauss25 on Windows or the directory where you installed GAUSS on LINUX.

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