Error: Read past end of file G0125

I have run the Mixed MDCEV Model using the Gauss code provided by the Prof. Bhat

I have generated the Halton sequence using the code provided by Prof Bhat

My problem is, the program executed without syntax error but got error code G0125

Line 725 in C:\gauss6.0\data\MMDCEV\Mixed MDCEV with no outside good.gau
Line 1144 in \sb1k.1c
Read past end of file G0125

Would you mind to help me to identify the problem why i dont get the result



/* Generates standard or Bratten-Weller scrambled Halton sequence */

/* Want to use Bratten-Weller scrambling? */

_sbrat = 1;

/* Want to write Halton sequence to dataset? */

_wdata = 1;

/* Number of draws */

draws = 20;

/* Number of dimensions */

dim = 4;

/* if Halton sequence is to be written to data set, name of data set */

if _sbrat==0;
outhalt = "c:\\gauss6.0\\data\\haltstan";
elseif _sbrat == 1;
outhalt = "c:\\gauss6.0\\data\\haltbrat";

/* load permutation matrices */

load path=c:\gauss6.0\matrix;
load xbrat,xiden;

/* Call to Halton procedure */

haltmat = halton(draws,dim);
/* Written by C. Bhat, June 2007 */ /* This is code for MDCEV model (with mixing) for the consumption case without outside good; The code allows normally distributed random coefficients/error components (including varying alpha/gamma values across individuals) through mixing in baseline utility as well as satiation parameters. Before using this code, the reader should read Bhat (2007) "The Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) Model: Role of Utility Function Parameters, Identification Considerations, and Model Extensions," Technical paper, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, at */ library maxlik; maxset; /***************************************************************************** Global Variable Definitions *****************************************************************************/ clearg __row,nobs,_config,_alp0to1,_price,nc,datatset,_po,nvarm,nvardel,nvargam; __row = 100; // Number of rows to be read at a time by the log-likelihood function nobs = 1000; // Number of observations in the dataset nc = 3; // Number of alternatives (in the universal choice set) _config = 1; // Utility specification configuration, possible values: 1,4,7 // see the documentation for an explanation of each configuration _alp0to1 = 1; // 1 if you want the Alpha values to be constrained between 0 and 1, 0 otherwise // putting _alp0to1 = 1 is recommended practice and can provide estimation stability _price = 0; // 1 if there is price variation across goods, 0 otherwise _errm = 1; // 1 if error-components in baseline utility, 0 otherwise _ranm = 1; // 1 if random components in baseline utility, 0 otherwise _errms = 1; // 1 if error-components in satiation parameters, 0 otherwise _ranms = 1; // 1 if random components in satiation parameters, 0 otherwise nrep = 20; // Number of Halton draws to be used to simulate the error-components and/or random coefficients if (_config == 7); // The satiation parameters (alphas and gammas) are all fixed in this configuration _ranms = 0; _errms = 0; endif; dataset = "C:\\gauss6.0\\data\\MMDCEV\\testnout.dat"; // provide path for the gauss data matrix outhalt = "C:/gauss6.0/data/simdata/haltbrat"; // provide path for the matrix of Halton draws (to simulate the error-components and/or random coefficients) { pointer,_po } = indices(dataset,"caseid"); // position of pointer to case number in data set, // modify if the case number column has a name different than "caseid" /***************************************************************************** Variable Specification Area *****************************************************************************/ /* Position of UNO variable (i.e., the column of ones) in data set. The dataset should consist of a column of ones. Modify if the label (in double-quotes) of the column of ones in your dataset is different from "uno" */ { unov,ivuno } = indices(dataset,"uno"); /* Position of SERO variable (i.e., the column of zeros) in data set. The dataset should consist of a column of zeros. Modify if the label (in double-quotes) of the column of zeros in your dataset is different from "sero" */ { serov,ivsero } = indices(dataset,"sero"); /* Position of WEIGHT variable (i.e., the column of weights). if the data has weights, then the dataset should consist of a column of weights. Modify the label (in double-quotes) with the label of the weight variable, if your data has weights */ { weight,wtind } = indices(dataset,"uno"); /* Positions of the DEPENDENT Variables (i.e., the consumption quantities for each alternative - NOT expenditures for each alternative). Provide labels (one label in each double-quote) of the dependent variables (i.e., consumption quantities) in your dataset. Number of labels = number of alternatives. */ { choicm,f } = indices(dataset,"consume1"|"consume2"|"consume3"); /* Positions of PRICE variables Provide labels of price variables (one label in each double-quote). Number of labels = number of alternatives. Provide all UNO variables if there is no price variation */ { cprice,fp } = indices(dataset,"uno"|"uno"|"uno"); /* Definition of INDEPENDENT variables */ /* In the following specification, ivm1, ivm2, ivm3 contain independent variable specifications (on right hand side) for baseline utility (PSI) for alternatives 1, 2, and 3; Add a row for ivm4 below if there is a 4th alternative, another addiitonal row for ivm5 if there is a 5th alternative, ... (number of rows = number of alternatives); Number of columns = Number of variables including alternative specific constants; consider first alternative as base */ let ivm1 = { sero sero sero sero }; let ivm2 = { uno sero hhsize sero }; let ivm3 = { sero uno sero hhsize }; /* The above specification is for the following baseline utility expressions Psi1 = exp( beta1*0 + beta2*0 + beta3*0 + beta4*0) Psi2 = exp( beta1*1 + beta2*0 + beta3*hhsize + beta4*0) Psi3 = exp( beta1*0 + beta2*1 + beta3*0 + beta4*hhzise) */ //Add a row for v4 below if there is a 4th alternative, another additional row for v5 if there is a 5th alternative,.... (number of rows = number of alternatives) { v1,ivmt1 } = indices(dataset,ivm1'); { v2,ivmt2 } = indices(dataset,ivm2'); { v3,ivmt3 } = indices(dataset,ivm3'); /* Define labels of the parameters in the baseline utility for output printing; Provide as many parameter labels as the number of columns in ivm1 (i.e., the number of variables in the Psi function) */ varnam = "ASC-psi2"|"ASC-psi3"|"hsz-psi2"|"hsz-psi3"; /* In the following specification, ivd1, ivd2, ivd3 contain input data specifications (on right hand side) for satiation parameters (Alphas) for alternatives 1, 2, and 3; Add a row below for ivd4 if there is a 4th alternative, another additional row for ivd5 if there is a 5th alternative,.... (number of rows = number of alternatives); Number of columns = Number of alternatives; Note that you can also add individual-specific variables below, so that satiation varies across individuals; Later in this code, you can also specify random coefficients and error components in satiation parameters However, you will have to translate the outputs to compute actual alpha parameters */ let ivd1 = { uno sero sero }; let ivd2 = { sero uno sero }; let ivd3 = { sero sero uno }; /* The above specification is for the following definitions of Satiation parameters Delta1 = ( theta1*1 + theta2*0 + theta3*0) = theta1 Delta2 = ( theta1*0 + theta2*1 + theta3*0) = theta2 Delta3 = ( theta1*0 + theta2*0 + theta3*1) = theta3 Alpha = 1-exp(Delta) if Alpha < 1 Alpha = 1-(1/(1+exp(Delta))) if 0 < Alpha < 1 */ //Add a row for w4 below if there is a 4th alternative,..... (number of rows = number of alternatives) { w1,ivdt1 } = indices(dataset,ivd1'); { w2,ivdt2 } = indices(dataset,ivd2'); { w3,ivdt3 } = indices(dataset,ivd3'); /* In the following specification, ivg1, ivg2, ivg3 contain input data specifications (on the right hand side) for translation parameters (gammas) for alternatives 1, 2, and 3; Add a row for ivg4 if there is a 4th alternative, another additional row for ivd5 if there is a 5th alternative,....(number of rows = number of alternatives); Number of columns = Number of alternatives; Note that you can also add individual-specific variables below, so that gamma varies across individuals; Later in this code, you can also specify random coefficients and error components in satiation parameters; However, you will have to translate the outputs to compute actual gamma parameters */ let ivg1 = { uno sero sero }; let ivg2 = { sero uno sero }; let ivg3 = { sero sero uno }; /* The above specification is for the following definitions of Translation parameters Gamma1 = exp( phi1*1 + phi2*0 + phi3*0) = exp(phi1) Gamma2 = exp( phi1*0 + phi2*1 + phi3*0) = exp(phi2) Gamma3 = exp( phi1*0 + phi2*0 + phi3*1) = exp(phi3) */ //Add a row for u4 below if there is a 4th alternative,... (number of rows = number of alternatives) { u1,ivgt1 } = indices(dataset,ivg1'); { u2,ivgt2 } = indices(dataset,ivg2'); { u3,ivgt3 } = indices(dataset,ivg3'); ivm = ivmt1'~ivmt2'~ivmt3'; // can append more: e.g. ~ivmt4'~ivmt5' and so on, based on the number of alternatives ivd = ivdt1'~ivdt2'~ivdt3'; // can append more: e.g. ~ivdt4'~ivdt5' and so on, based on the number of alternatives ivg = ivgt1'~ivgt2'~ivgt3'; // can append more: e.g. ~ivgt4'~ivgt5' and so on, based on the number of alternatives /* Define position of variables with random coefficients in baseline utility */ if _ranm == 1; posm = 3|4; // This specification is for random coefficients on the 3rd and 4th variables (hsz-psi2 and hsz-ps3) in the specification for baseline utility endif; /* Define position of variables with random coefficients in Satiaion paremeters (Alphas) */ if _config == 1; posms = 0; if _ranms == 1; posms = 2|3; // Define position of variables with random coefficients in this line; endif; // This specification is for random coefficients on the 2nd and 3rd variables in the specification for Alphas endif; /* Define position of variables with random coefficients in Satiaion paremeters (Gammas) */ if _config == 4; posms = 0; if _ranms == 1; posms = 2|3; // Define position of variables with random coefficients in this line; endif; // This specification is for random coefficients on the 2nd and 3rd variables in the specification for Gammas endif; /* Define the error-component structure in baseline utility Order the alternatives from 1 to nc in the same order as in choicm and ivm, then provide the pattern of error-components in baseline utility in the matrix 'rrm' below; 'rrm' is a matrix of ones and zeros of 'nc' rows and 'gerrm' columns (gerrm is number of error components you may want to try); for example, if you have three alternatives and gerrm=2, and you want 1st and 3rd alternatives to have a common error component, and 2nd and 3rd alternatives to have another error component, rrm = { 1 0 , 0 1 , 1 1 }; Ordering of alternatives (rows) in 'rrm' should correspond to ordering in choicm and ivm */ rrm = { 0 , 1 , 1 }; /* Define the structure of error-components in Satiation parameters (Alphas or Gammas) Order the alternatives from 1 to nc in the same order as in choicm and ivd or ivg, then provide the pattern of error-components in satiation parameters in the matrix 'rrms' below; 'rrms' is a of ones and zeros of 'nc' rows and 'gerrms' columns (gerrms is number of error components you may want to try); for example, if you have three alternatives and gerrms=2, and you want 1st and 3rd alternatives to have a common error component, and 2nd and 3rd to have another error component, rrms = { 1 0 , 0 1 , 1 1 }; Ordering of alternatives (rows) in 'rrms' should correspond to ordering in choicm and ivd or ivg; */ rrms = { 0 , 1 , 1 }; /* Create a matrix (EQMATMSG) of ones and zeros to define constraints among the random elements in baseline preferences; EQMATMSG shoud have as many columns as the number of random components (=rows(posm)+cols(rrm)) and as many rows as the number of distinct standard deviations; first set (=rows(posm)) of columns refer to random coefficients, and the last set (=cols(rrm)) to error components; for example, if 4 random parameters, among which 1st and 3rd random parameters are to have the same standard deviation (i.e., an equality constraint), standard deviation of the 2nd parameter is to be fixed, and the 4th parameter is to have a separate standard devation, the EQMATMSG matrix will be: EQMATMSG = { 1 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 }; Note: The order of the rows in the EQMATMSG matrix does not matter; you could also have provided the matrix for the above specification as: EQMATMSG = { 0 0 0 1 , 1 0 1 0 }; It is important to note that the starting values (in the starting values section below) of any standard deviations constrained to be equal must have identical values; */ if _ranm==0 and _errm==1; EQMATMSG = eye(cols(rrm)); elseif _ranm==1 .and _errm==0; EQMATMSG = eye(rows(posm)); elseif _ranm==1 .and _errm==1; EQMATMSG = eye(rows(posm)+cols(rrm)); endif; // The above specification is to estimate distinct standard deviations (without any constraints) for each random parameter in the baseline utility specification /* Create a matrix (EQMATMSS) of ones and zeros to define constraints among the random elements in Satiation parameters; EQMATMSS shoud have as many columns as the number of random components (=rows(posms)+cols(rrms)) and as many rows as the number of distinct standard deviations; first set (=rows(posms)) of columns refer to random coefficients, and the last set (=cols(rrms)) to error components; for example, if 4 random parameters, among which 1st and 3rd random parameters are to have the same standard deviation (i.e., an equality constraint), standard deviation of the 2nd parameter is to be fixed, and the 4th parameter is to have a separate standard devation, deviation, the EQMATMSS matrix will be: EQMATMSS = { 1 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 }; Note: The order of the rows in the EQMATMSS matrix does not matter; you could also have provided the matrix for the above specification as: EQMATMSS = { 0 0 0 1, 1 0 1 0 }; It is important to note that the starting values (in the starting values section below) of any standard deviations constrained to be equal must have identical values; */ if _ranms==0 and _errms==1; EQMATMSS = eye(cols(rrms)); elseif _ranms==1 .and _errms==0; EQMATMSS = eye(rows(posms)); elseif _ranms==1 .and _errms==1; EQMATMSS = eye(rows(posms)+cols(rrms)); endif; // The above specification is to estimate distinct standard deviations (without any constraints) for each random parameter in the satiation parameters nvarm = cols(ivm1); // number of variables in baseline utility = number of columns in ivm1, do not modify this nvardel = cols(ivd1); // number of variables in satiation = number of columns in ivd1, do not modify this nvargam = cols(ivg1); // number of variables in translation = number of columns in ivg1, do not modify this ndimm = cols(eqmatmsg); // number of distinct standard deviations to be estimated for the random parameters in baseline utility, do not modify this ndimms = cols(eqmatmss); // number of distinct standard deviations to be estimated for the random parameters in satiation parameters, do not modify this if _ranm == 1; ivlm = reshape(ivm,nc,nvarm); ivlm = reshape((ivlm[.,posm]),1,rows(posm)*nc); nlm = rows(posm); endif; if _ranms==1; if _config==1; ivlms = reshape(ivd,nc,nvardel); elseif _config==4; ivlms = reshape(ivg,nc,nvargam); endif; ivlms = reshape((ivlms[.,posms]),1,rows(posms)*nc); nlms = rows(posms); endif; // Associating columns with variable names flagchm = f'; flagavm = ivuno~ivuno~ivuno;//Append as many "ivuno" as the number of alternatives; (in the current specification, all alternatives are considered to be available; if an alternative is not available, use ivsero for that alternative). flagprcm = fp'; /****************************************************************************** Starting values ******************************************************************************/ /* Creating matrices (EQMATDEL and EQMATGAM) of ones and zeros to define constraints across coefficients of variables; EQMATDEL should have as many columns as the number of variables in ivd1, ivd2... specifications (i.e., specifications for satiation/alpha parameters) and as many rows as the number of distinct parameters. So if you have 5 alpha parameters, and you want the first two to be constrained to be the same, the next two also constrained to be the same, and the last separate, then the EQMATDEL matrix will be: EQMATDEL = { 1 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 0 1 }; EQMATGAM should have as many columns as the number of variables in ivg1, ivg2... specifications (i.e., specifications for translation/gamma parameters) and as many rows as the number of distinct parameters. So if you have 5 gamma parameters, and you want the first two to be constrained to be the same, the next two constrained to be the same, and the last separate; then the EQMATGAM matrix will be: EQMATGAM = { 1 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 0 1 }; */ /* Below is the code for defining EQMATDEL and EQMATGAM matrices; Also, definitions for starting values of non-random parameters in baseline utility and satiation parameters (aplha/gamma) are provided; These definitions correspond to restricted estimations of the alpha and gamma parameters across alternatives based on the configuration specified (see documentation) */ if _config==1; EQMATDEL = eye(nvardel); EQMATGAM = ones(1,nc); b = zeros(nvarm,1)|zeros(rows(EQMATDEL),1)|zeros(rows(EQMATGAM),1); _max_active = ones(nvarm+rows(eqmatdel),1)|zeros(rows(eqmatgam),1); elseif _config==4; EQMATDEL = ones(1,nc); EQMATGAM = eye(nvargam); b = zeros(nvarm,1)|-1000*ones(rows(EQMATDEL),1)|zeros(rows(EQMATGAM),1); _max_active = ones(nvarm,1)|zeros(rows(eqmatdel),1)|ones(rows(eqmatgam),1); elseif _config==7; EQMATDEL = ones(1,nc); EQMATGAM = eye(nc); b = zeros(nvarm,1)|-1000*ones(rows(EQMATDEL),1)|zeros(rows(EQMATGAM),1); _max_active = ones(nvarm,1)|zeros(rows(eqmatdel),1)|zeros(rows(eqmatgam),1); endif; b = b|1; // 1 appended as a starting value for the scale parameter if _price == 1; _max_active = _max_active|1; // scale estimated if the data contains price variation else; _max_active = _max_active|0; // scale fixed to 1 if the data does not contain price variation endif; /* Defining variable labels in satiation and translation parameter terms, and the standard deviations of the random parameters in baseline utility and satiation parameters, for output printing */ varndell = 0 $+ "D" $+ ftocv(seqa(1,1,rows(eqmatdel)),2,0); varngam = 0 $+ "G" $+ ftocv(seqa(1,1,rows(eqmatgam)),2,0); sd = 0 $+ "SD-bas" $+ ftocv(seqa(1,1,rows(eqmatmsg)),2,0); if _config == 4; sds = 0 $+ "SD-gam" $+ ftocv(seqa(1,1,rows(eqmatmss)),2,0); endif; if _config == 1; sds = 0 $+ "SD-alf" $+ ftocv(seqa(1,1,rows(eqmatmss)),2,0); endif; /* Below is the code to provide starting values for the random parameters */ if _errm > 0 or _ranm > 0; if _errms == 0 and _ranms == 0; ndim=ndimm; b = b|0.05*ones(rows(eqmatmsg),1); // in this line, starting values for the random parameters are appended to the starting values of other parameters _max_active = _max_active|ones(rows(eqmatmsg),1); _max_ParNames = varnam|varndell|varngam|"sigm"|sd; elseif _errms > 0 or _ranms > 0; ndim=ndimm+ndimms; b = b|0.05*ones(rows(eqmatmsg),1)|0.05*ones(rows(eqmatmss),1); // in this line starting values for the random parameters are appended to the starting values of other parameters _max_active = _max_active|ones(rows(eqmatmsg),1)|ones(rows(eqmatmss),1); _max_ParNames = varnam|varndell|varngam|"sigm"|sd|sds; endif; endif; // You can also provide your own starting values, which is a recommended practice to reduce the time for convergence /* Other Maxlik globals */ _max_Options = { bfgs stepbt }; _max_CovPar = 1; // modify according to the type of standard errors you need /****************************************************************************** // ACTUAL PROGRAM AREA BEGINS, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE // Format of outputs is provided in the documentation // Note that for the same variable specification, the number of parameters in the output depends upon the chosen configuration (i.e., _config) of the utility function ******************************************************************************/ if _errm > 0 or _ranm > 0; print nrep " non-randomized bratten-weller halton draws"; if _errms == 0 and _ranms == 0; _max_GradProc=&lgd1; { x,f,g,cov,retcode } = maxprt(maxlik(dataset,0,&lpr1,b)); elseif _errms > 0 or _ranms > 0; ndim=ndimm+ndimms; _max_GradProc=&lgd2; { x,f,g,cov,retcode } = maxprt(maxlik(dataset,0,&lpr2,b)); endif; endif; /****************************************************************************** Procedure definitions begin ******************************************************************************/ /* procedure for log likelihood function calculation with random parameters only in baseline utility */ proc lpr1(x,dta); local e1,popass,p0,xdel,xgam,v2,w2,u2,j,v,w,u,a,b,m,c,xsig,ylarge1,ylarge2,fin,as,ass,r,err,ylarge, ylm1,ylm2,errm,vlm,bb,vv,vlos,ut,xsigm,xsigmm,p1,p2,p3,z,w1,z1,d,e,f,wt; e1 = rows(dta); wt = dta[.,wtind]; popass = dta[.,_po]; p0 = zeros(e1,1); xdel = eqmatdel'*x[nvarm+1:nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)]; xgam = eqmatgam'*x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+1:nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)]; xsigm = x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)+1]; xsigmm = eqmatmsg'*x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)+2:rows(x)]; v2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. x[1:nvarm])*~(dta[.,ivm])'; w2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. xdel)*~(dta[.,ivd])'; u2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. xgam)*~(dta[.,ivg])'; /* During the parameter search, sometimes the value of x[rows(x)] (i.e., the scale parameter) may go below 0. The command below helps the iterations get back on track. Note that final results will generally not be affected by this; if affected, you will get a negative value printed for sigm (scale) in the output */ if xsigm<=0; xsigm=1; endif; j=1; v = {}; w = {}; u = {}; do until j == nc+1; v = v~(sumc(v2[(j-1)*nvarm+1:(j*nvarm),.])); w = w~(sumc(w2[(j-1)*nvardel+1:(j*nvardel),.])); u = u~(sumc(u2[(j-1)*nvargam+1:(j*nvargam),.])); j = j+1; endo; clear v2,w2; a = exp(w); /* a is (1-Alpha) */ if _alp0to1; a = 1/(1+exp(w)); endif; f = exp(u); b = dta[.,flagchm] .> 0; m = sumc((b')); c = (a.*b)./((dta[.,flagchm]+f)); c = c./(dta[.,flagprcm]); c = substute(c,b.==0,1); e = (1/c).*b; d = sumc((e')); c = (prodc((c'))).*d; v = v-a.*ln((dta[.,flagchm]+f)./f)-ln(dta[.,flagprcm]); if _errm==0 and _ranm==1; ylm1 = dta[.,ivlm]; elseif _ranm==0 and _errm==1; ylm1 = ones(e1,1) .*. reshape(rrm,1,nc*cols(rrm)); else; ylm1 = reshape(dta[.,ivlm],e1*nc,nlm); ylm1 = ylm1~(ones(e1,1) .*. rrm); ylm1 = reshape(ylm1,e1,ndim*nc); endif; /* Getting rows of halton draws for each individual */ open fin = ^outhalt for read; call seekr(fin,((popass[1]-1)*nrep+11)); as = readr(fin,nrep*e1); as = cdfni(as); /* as = cdfinvn(as); as = cdfinvn(as);*/ fin = close(fin); ass = (reshape(as',e1*ndim,nrep))'; r = 1; do while r <= nrep; errm = (reshape((ass[r,.]),ndim,e1))'; ylm2 = (ones(1,nc) .*. errm).*ylm1; vv = (ones(nc,1) .*. xsigmm) .* ylm2'; j=1; vlm = {}; do until j == nc+1; vlm = vlm~(sumc(vv[(j-1)*ndimm+1:(j*ndimm),.])); j = j+1; endo; ut = (v+vlm)./xsigm; p1 = exp(ut); p2 = (p1.*dta[.,flagavm])./sumc((p1.*dta[.,flagavm])'); p3 = substute(p2,b.==0,1); p3 = (prodc((p3'))).*c.*((m-1)!); p3 = p3./((xsigm)^(m-1)); p0=p0+p3; r = r+1; endo; z = p0./nrep; w1=zeros(e1,1); if z > w1; z1=ln(z); else; print "yes"; z1=ln(z-((z.<=w1).*(z-0.0001))); endif; retp(wt.*z1); endp; /* Procedure for gradient function function calculation with random parameters only in baseline utility */ proc lgd1(x,dta); local e1,popass,p0,xdel,xgam,v2,w2,u2,j,v,w,u,a,b,m,c,xsig,ylarge1,ylarge2,fin,as,ass,r,err,ylarge, vv,vlos,ut,uts,f1,p1,p2,p3,z,w1,z1,d,e; local gv,gd,gg,gge,g1,g1s,g2,h,g2v,g2d,g2g,g2e,ylargev,giterv,giterd,giterg,gitere; local xsigm,xsigmm,xcov,xcov1,giterr,s,asr,assr,errr; local bb,g2s,as1,ass1,ggr,err1,g2r,g4,g5,gitere1,wt; local ylm1,ylm2,vlm,gss,gee,errm; e1 = rows(dta); wt = dta[.,wtind]; popass = dta[.,_po]; p0 = zeros(e1,1); xdel = eqmatdel'*x[nvarm+1:nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)]; xgam = eqmatgam'*x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+1:nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)]; xsigm = x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)+1]; xsigmm = eqmatmsg'*x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)+2:rows(x)]; v2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. x[1:nvarm])*~(dta[.,ivm])'; w2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. xdel)*~(dta[.,ivd])'; u2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. xgam)*~(dta[.,ivg])'; j=1; v = {}; w = {}; u = {}; do until j == nc+1; v = v~(sumc(v2[(j-1)*nvarm+1:(j*nvarm),.])); w = w~(sumc(w2[(j-1)*nvardel+1:(j*nvardel),.])); u = u~(sumc(u2[(j-1)*nvargam+1:(j*nvargam),.])); j = j+1; endo; clear v2,w2; a = exp(w); /* a is (1-Alpha) */ if _alp0to1; a = 1/(1+exp(w)); endif; f = exp(u); b = dta[.,flagchm] .> 0; m = sumc((b')); c = (a.*b)./((dta[.,flagchm]+f)); c = c./(dta[.,flagprcm]); c = substute(c,b.==0,1); e = (1/c).*b; d = sumc((e')); c = (prodc((c'))).*d; v = v-a.*ln((dta[.,flagchm]+f)./f)-ln(dta[.,flagprcm]); if _errm==0 and _ranm==1; ylm1 = dta[.,ivlm]; elseif _ranm==0 and _errm==1; ylm1 = ones(e1,1) .*. reshape(rrm,1,nc*cols(rrm)); else; ylm1 = reshape(dta[.,ivlm],e1*nc,nlm); ylm1 = ylm1~(ones(e1,1) .*. rrm); ylm1 = reshape(ylm1,e1,ndim*nc); endif; /* Getting rows of halton draws for each individual */ open fin = ^outhalt for read; call seekr(fin,((popass[1]-1)*nrep+11)); as = readr(fin,nrep*e1); as = cdfni(as); /* as = cdfinvn(as);*/ fin = close(fin); ass = (reshape(as',e1*ndim,nrep))'; gv=zeros(e1,nvarm); gd=zeros(e1,nvardel); gge=zeros(e1,nvargam); gss=zeros(e1,1); gee=zeros(e1,ndimm); r = 1; do while r <= nrep; errm = (reshape((ass[r,.]),ndim,e1))'; ylm2 = (ones(1,nc) .*. errm).*ylm1; vv = (ones(nc,1) .*. xsigmm) .* ylm2'; j=1; vlm = {}; do until j == nc+1; vlm = vlm~(sumc(vv[(j-1)*ndimm+1:(j*ndimm),.])); j = j+1; endo; ut = (v+vlm)./xsigm; uts = -ut./xsigm; p1 = exp(ut); p2 = (p1.*dta[.,flagavm])./sumc((p1.*dta[.,flagavm])'); p3 = substute(p2,b.==0,1); p3 = (prodc((p3'))).*c.*((m-1)!); p3 = p3./((xsigm)^(m-1)); p0=p0+p3; g1 = (ones(e1,1) .*.eye(nc)) - (p2 .*. ones(nc,1)); g1 = g1.*vecr(b); g1s = g1.*(uts.*.ones(nc,1)); j=1; g2 = {}; g2s = {}; do until j == e1+1; g2 = g2~(sumc(g1[(j-1)*nc+1:(j*nc),.])); g2s = g2s~(sumc(g1s[(j-1)*nc+1:(j*nc),.])); j = j+1; endo; clear g1; h = dta[.,flagchm]+f; g2 = (1/xsigm).*(g2').*p3; g2s = (sumc(g2s)-((m-1)/xsigm)).*p3; if _alp0to1 == 0; g2d = g2.*(((ln(h./f)).*(-a)))+p3.*b+p3.*(e./d).*(-1); else; g2d = g2.*(((ln(h./f)).*(a.*(1-a))))+p3.*(a-1).*b+p3.*(e./d).*(1-a); endif; g2g = (g2.*(-a).*(1./h).*(-1/f).*dta[.,flagchm]+p3.*(-1./h).*b+p3.*(e./d).*(1./h)).*f; g2v = ones(1,nvarm).*.g2'; g2d = ones(1,nvardel).*.g2d'; g2g = ones(1,nvargam).*.g2g'; g2e = (ones(1,ndimm).*.g2'); ylargev= dta[.,ivm]; giterv = (reshape((sumc(g2v.*(reshape(ylargev',nc,e1*nvarm))))',nvarm,e1))'; giterd = (reshape((sumc(g2d.*(reshape(((dta[.,ivd])'),nc,e1*nvardel))))',nvardel,e1))'; giterg = (reshape((sumc(g2g.*(reshape(((dta[.,ivg])'),nc,e1*nvargam))))',nvargam,e1))'; gitere = (reshape((sumc(g2e.*(reshape(ylm2',nc,e1*ndim))))',ndim,e1))'; gv=giterv+gv; gd=giterd+gd; gge=giterg+gge; gss=g2s+gss; gee=gitere+gee; r = r+1; endo; retp(wt.*((gv~gd*eqmatdel'~gge*eqmatgam'~gss~gee*eqmatmsg')./p0)); endp; /* procedure for log likelihood function calculation with random parameters in both baseline utility and satiation parameters */ proc lpr2(x,dta); local e1,popass,p0,xdel,xgam,v2,w2,u2,j,v,w,u,a,b,m,c,xsig,ylarge1,ylarge2,fin,as,ass,r,err,ylarge, ylm1,ylm2,xsigmms,errms,vvs,ylm1s,ylm2s,errm,vlm,vlms,bb,vv,vlos,ut,xsigm,xsigmm,p1,p2,p3,z,w1,z1, d,e,f,vvv,www,uuu,wt; e1 = rows(dta); wt = dta[.,wtind]; popass = dta[.,_po]; p0 = zeros(e1,1); xdel = eqmatdel'*x[nvarm+1:nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)]; xgam = eqmatgam'*x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+1:nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)]; xsigm = x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)+1]; xsigmm = eqmatmsg'*x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)+2:rows(x)-rows(eqmatmss)]; xsigmms = eqmatmss'*x[rows(x)-rows(eqmatmss)+1:rows(x)]; v2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. x[1:nvarm])*~(dta[.,ivm])'; w2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. xdel)*~(dta[.,ivd])'; u2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. xgam)*~(dta[.,ivg])'; /* During the parameter search, sometimes the value of x[rows(x)] (i.e., the scale parameter) may go below 0. The command below helps the iterations get back on track. Note that final results will generally not be affected by this; if affected, you will get a negative value printed for sigm (scale) in the output */ if xsigm<=0; xsigm=1; endif; j=1; vvv = {}; www = {}; uuu = {}; do until j == nc+1; vvv = vvv~(sumc(v2[(j-1)*nvarm+1:(j*nvarm),.])); www = www~(sumc(w2[(j-1)*nvardel+1:(j*nvardel),.])); uuu = uuu~(sumc(u2[(j-1)*nvargam+1:(j*nvargam),.])); j = j+1; endo; clear v2,w2; if _errm==0 and _ranm==1; ylm1 = dta[.,ivlm]; elseif _ranm==0 and _errm==1; ylm1 = ones(e1,1) .*. reshape(rrm,1,nc*cols(rrm)); else; ylm1 = reshape(dta[.,ivlm],e1*nc,nlm); ylm1 = ylm1~(ones(e1,1) .*. rrm); ylm1 = reshape(ylm1,e1,ndimm*nc); endif; if _errms==0 and _ranms==1; ylm1s = dta[.,ivlms]; elseif _ranms==0 and _errms==1; ylm1s = ones(e1,1) .*. reshape(rrms,1,nc*cols(rrms)); else; ylm1s = reshape(dta[.,ivlms],e1*nc,nlms); ylm1s = ylm1s~(ones(e1,1) .*. rrms); ylm1s = reshape(ylm1s,e1,ndimms*nc); endif; b = dta[.,flagchm] .> 0; m = sumc((b')); /* Getting rows of Halton draws for each individual */ open fin = ^outhalt for read; call seekr(fin,((popass[1]-1)*nrep+11)); as = readr(fin,nrep*e1); as = cdfni(as); /* as = cdfinvn(as);*/ /*as = cdfinvn(as);*/ fin = close(fin); ass = (reshape(as',e1*ndim,nrep))'; r = 1; do while r <= nrep; errm = (reshape((ass[r,.]),ndim,e1))'; errms = errm[.,ndimm+1:ndim]; errm = errm[.,1:ndimm]; ylm2 = (ones(1,nc) .*. errm).*ylm1; ylm2s = (ones(1,nc).*.errms).*ylm1s; vv = (ones(nc,1) .*. xsigmm) .* ylm2'; vvs = (ones(nc,1) .*. xsigmms) .* ylm2s'; j=1; vlm = {}; vlms = {}; do until j == nc+1; vlm = vlm~(sumc(vv[(j-1)*ndimm+1:(j*ndimm),.])); vlms = vlms~(sumc(vvs[(j-1)*ndimms+1:(j*ndimms),.])); j = j+1; endo; if _config==1; w=www+vlms; u=uuu; elseif _config==4; w=www; u = uuu+vlms; endif; a = exp(w); /* a is (1-alpha) */ if _alp0to1; a = 1/(1+exp(w)); endif; f = exp(u); c = (a.*b)./((dta[.,flagchm]+f)); c = c./(dta[.,flagprcm]); c = substute(c,b.==0,1); e = (1/c).*b; d = sumc((e')); c = (prodc((c'))).*d; v = vvv-a.*ln((dta[.,flagchm]+f)./f)-ln(dta[.,flagprcm]); ut = (v+vlm)./xsigm; p1 = exp(ut); p2 = (p1.*dta[.,flagavm])./sumc((p1.*dta[.,flagavm])'); p3 = substute(p2,b.==0,1); p3 = (prodc((p3'))).*c.*((m-1)!); p3 = p3./((xsigm)^(m-1)); p0=p0+p3; r = r+1; endo; z = p0./nrep; w1=zeros(e1,1); if z > w1; z1=ln(z); else; print "yes"; z1=ln(z-((z.<=w1).*(z-0.0001))); endif; retp(wt.*z1); endp; /* procedure for gradient function calculation with random parameters in baseline utility and satiation parameters */ proc lgd2(x,dta); local e1,popass,p0,xdel,xsigm,xsigmm,xgam,v2,w2,u2,j,v,w,u,a,b,m,c,xsig,ylarge1,ylarge2,fin,as,ass,r,err,ylarge, vv,vlos,ylm1,ylm2,ylm1s,ylm2s,errm,vlm,vlms,ut,uts,p1,p2,p3,z,w1,z1,d,e,f; local gv,gd,gg,gge,gss,gee,g1,g1s,g2,h,g2v,g2d,g2g,g2e,ylargev,giterv,giterd,giterg,gitere; local xcov,xcov1,giterr,s,asr,assr,errr,xsigmms,errms,vvs; local bb,g2s,as1,ass1,ggr,err1,g2r,g4,g5,gitere1,gef,giterf,g2f,vvv,www,uuu,wt; e1 = rows(dta); wt = dta[.,wtind]; popass = dta[.,_po]; p0 = zeros(e1,1); xdel = eqmatdel'*x[nvarm+1:nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)]; xgam = eqmatgam'*x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+1:nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)]; xsigm = x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)+1]; xsigmm = eqmatmsg'*x[nvarm+rows(eqmatdel)+rows(eqmatgam)+2:rows(x)-rows(eqmatmss)]; xsigmms = eqmatmss'*x[rows(x)-rows(eqmatmss)+1:rows(x)]; v2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. x[1:nvarm])*~(dta[.,ivm])'; w2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. xdel)*~(dta[.,ivd])'; u2 = (ones(nc,1) .*. xgam)*~(dta[.,ivg])'; j=1; vvv = {}; www = {}; uuu = {}; do until j == nc+1; vvv = vvv~(sumc(v2[(j-1)*nvarm+1:(j*nvarm),.])); www = www~(sumc(w2[(j-1)*nvardel+1:(j*nvardel),.])); uuu = uuu~(sumc(u2[(j-1)*nvargam+1:(j*nvargam),.])); j = j+1; endo; clear v2,w2; if _errm==0 and _ranm==1; ylm1 = dta[.,ivlm]; elseif _ranm==0 and _errm==1; ylm1 = ones(e1,1) .*. reshape(rrm,1,nc*cols(rrm)); else; ylm1 = reshape(dta[.,ivlm],e1*nc,nlm); ylm1 = ylm1~(ones(e1,1) .*. rrm); ylm1 = reshape(ylm1,e1,ndimm*nc); endif; if _errms==0 and _ranms==1; ylm1s = dta[.,ivlms]; elseif _ranms==0 and _errms==1; ylm1s = ones(e1,1) .*. reshape(rrms,1,nc*cols(rrms)); else; ylm1s = reshape(dta[.,ivlms],e1*nc,nlms); ylm1s = ylm1s~(ones(e1,1) .*. rrms); ylm1s = reshape(ylm1s,e1,ndimms*nc); endif; b = dta[.,flagchm] .> 0; m = sumc((b')); /* Getting rows of Halton draws for each individual */ open fin = ^outhalt for read; call seekr(fin,((popass[1]-1)*nrep+11)); as = readr(fin,nrep*e1); as = cdfni(as); /* as = cdfinvn(as); as = cdfinvn(as);*/ fin = close(fin); ass = (reshape(as',e1*ndim,nrep))'; gv=zeros(e1,nvarm); gd=zeros(e1,nvardel); gge=zeros(e1,nvargam); gss=zeros(e1,1); gee=zeros(e1,ndimm); gef= zeros(e1,ndimms); r = 1; do while r <= nrep; errm = (reshape((ass[r,.]),ndim,e1))'; errms = errm[.,ndimm+1:ndim]; errm = errm[.,1:ndimm]; ylm2 = (ones(1,nc) .*. errm).*ylm1; ylm2s = (ones(1,nc).*.errms).*ylm1s; vv = (ones(nc,1) .*. xsigmm) .* ylm2'; vvs = (ones(nc,1) .*. xsigmms) .* ylm2s'; j=1; vlm = {}; vlms = {}; do until j == nc+1; vlm = vlm~(sumc(vv[(j-1)*ndimm+1:(j*ndimm),.])); vlms = vlms~(sumc(vvs[(j-1)*ndimms+1:(j*ndimms),.])); j = j+1; endo; if _config==1; w=www+vlms; u=uuu; elseif _config==4; w=www; u = uuu+vlms; endif; a = exp(w); if _alp0to1; a = 1/(1+exp(w)); endif; f = exp(u); b = dta[.,flagchm] .> 0; m = sumc((b')); c = (a.*b)./((dta[.,flagchm]+f)); c = c./(dta[.,flagprcm]); c = substute(c,b.==0,1); e = (1/c).*b; d = sumc((e')); c = (prodc((c'))).*d; v = vvv-a.*ln((dta[.,flagchm]+f)./f)-ln(dta[.,flagprcm]); ut = (v+vlm)./xsigm; uts = -ut./xsigm; p1 = exp(ut); p2 = (p1.*dta[.,flagavm])./sumc((p1.*dta[.,flagavm])'); p3 = substute(p2,b.==0,1); p3 = (prodc((p3'))).*c.*((m-1)!); p3 = p3./((xsigm)^(m-1)); p0=p0+p3; g1 = (ones(e1,1) .*.eye(nc)) - (p2 .*. ones(nc,1)); g1 = g1.*vecr(b); g1s = g1.*(uts.*.ones(nc,1)); j=1; g2 = {}; g2s = {}; do until j == e1+1; g2 = g2~(sumc(g1[(j-1)*nc+1:(j*nc),.])); g2s = g2s~(sumc(g1s[(j-1)*nc+1:(j*nc),.])); j = j+1; endo; clear g1; h = dta[.,flagchm]+f; g2 = (1/xsigm).*(g2').*p3; g2s = (sumc(g2s)-((m-1)/xsigm)).*p3; if _alp0to1 == 0; g2d = g2.*(((ln(h./f)).*(-a)))+p3.*b+p3.*(e./d).*(-1); else; g2d = g2.*(((ln(h./f)).*(a.*(1-a))))+p3.*(a-1).*b+p3.*(e./d).*(1-a); endif; g2g = (g2.*(-a).*(1./h).*(-1/f).*dta[.,flagchm]+p3.*(-1./h).*b+p3.*(e./d).*(1./h)).*f; if _config==1; g2f = (ones(1,ndimms).*.g2d'); elseif _config==4; g2f = (ones(1,ndimms).*.g2g'); endif; g2v = ones(1,nvarm).*.g2'; g2d = ones(1,nvardel).*.g2d'; g2g = ones(1,nvargam).*.g2g'; g2e = (ones(1,ndimm).*.g2'); ylargev= dta[.,ivm]; giterv = (reshape((sumc(g2v.*(reshape(ylargev',nc,e1*nvarm))))',nvarm,e1))'; giterd = (reshape((sumc(g2d.*(reshape(((dta[.,ivd])'),nc,e1*nvardel))))',nvardel,e1))'; giterg = (reshape((sumc(g2g.*(reshape(((dta[.,ivg])'),nc,e1*nvargam))))',nvargam,e1))'; gitere = (reshape((sumc(g2e.*(reshape(ylm2',nc,e1*ndimm))))',ndimm,e1))'; giterf = (reshape((sumc(g2f.*(reshape(ylm2s',nc,e1*ndimms))))',ndimms,e1))'; gv=giterv+gv; gd=giterd+gd; gge=giterg+gge; gss=g2s+gss; gee=gitere+gee; gef=giterf+gef; r = r+1; endo; retp(wt.*((gv~gd*eqmatdel'~gge*eqmatgam'~gss~gee*eqmatmsg'~gef*eqmatmss')./p0)); endp;

2 Answers



Based upon your error report, it looks like the problem is coming from this chunk of code in the file Mixed MDCEV with no outside good.gau

 /* Getting rows of Halton draws for each individual */
 open fin = ^outhalt for read;
 call seekr(fin,((popass[1]-1)*nrep+11));
 as = readr(fin,nrep*e1);
 as = cdfinvn(as);
 fin = close(fin);

Change it to the following:

 /* Getting rows of Halton draws for each individual */
print "opening handle to file "$+outhalt;
 open fin = ^outhalt for read;
if fin < 0;
    print "Could not get file handle for "$+outhalt;

local rows_to_read, rows_available, start_row;
rows_available = rowsf(fin);
print "Rows in "$+outhalt;
print rows_available;

start_row = (popass[1]-1)*nrep+11;
print "Trying to move file pointer to row:";
print start_row;

 call seekr(fin,((popass[1]-1)*nrep+11));

rows_to_read = (popass[1]-1)*nrep+11;
print "Trying to read from row:" start_row;
print "to row " (start_row + rows_to_read);

 as = readr(fin,nrep*e1);

 as = cdfinvn(as);
 fin = close(fin);

After running the full code with this modification, I think the diagnostic print statements will make the problem clear.




Thank you very much. it helped

Your Answer

2 Answers


Based upon your error report, it looks like the problem is coming from this chunk of code in the file Mixed MDCEV with no outside good.gau

 /* Getting rows of Halton draws for each individual */
 open fin = ^outhalt for read;
 call seekr(fin,((popass[1]-1)*nrep+11));
 as = readr(fin,nrep*e1);
 as = cdfinvn(as);
 fin = close(fin);

Change it to the following:

 /* Getting rows of Halton draws for each individual */
print "opening handle to file "$+outhalt;
 open fin = ^outhalt for read;
if fin < 0;
    print "Could not get file handle for "$+outhalt;

local rows_to_read, rows_available, start_row;
rows_available = rowsf(fin);
print "Rows in "$+outhalt;
print rows_available;

start_row = (popass[1]-1)*nrep+11;
print "Trying to move file pointer to row:";
print start_row;

 call seekr(fin,((popass[1]-1)*nrep+11));

rows_to_read = (popass[1]-1)*nrep+11;
print "Trying to read from row:" start_row;
print "to row " (start_row + rows_to_read);

 as = readr(fin,nrep*e1);

 as = cdfinvn(as);
 fin = close(fin);

After running the full code with this modification, I think the diagnostic print statements will make the problem clear.


Thank you very much. it helped

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