error message G0520 : Arguments not conformable

For the following formula I get the error message G0520 : Arguments not conformable

Can anyone help me what I did wrong?

y = 100*(trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1)) ~ 100*(trimr(d,2,0) - trimr(d,1,0)) ~ trimr(s - x*theta_pv,1,0);

Before the formula was just

y = 100*(trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1))  ~ trimr(s - x*theta_pv,1,0);

but I wanted to increase the number of lags to two. However now for the modified version I get this error message.

I would be very grateful for your support.

1 Answer


This error is occurring, because the terms:

(trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1));


(trimr(d,2,0) - trimr(d,1,0));

have different numbers of rows. As a specific illustration, if:

d = { -0.3, 
      -1.25 };


(trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1)) = 

   0.650   -  -0.300  =   0.950 
  -0.210   -   0.650  = -0.860 
   0.890   -  -0.210  =  1.100 
  -1.250   -   0.890  = -2.140


(trimr(d,2,0) - trimr(d,1,0)) = 

            -  -0.300  =   error, rows do not match (arguments not conformable) 
  -0.210    -   0.650  = -0.860 
   0.890    -  -0.210  =  1.100 
  -1.250    -   0.890  = -2.140

I am not certain what you are trying to do, but if you wanted the first and second lag of the first difference, you could to this:

first_diff = (trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1));
fd_lag12 = lagn(first_diff, 1| 2);

or simply

y = lagn(trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1), 1 | 2);



Your Answer

1 Answer


This error is occurring, because the terms:

(trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1));


(trimr(d,2,0) - trimr(d,1,0));

have different numbers of rows. As a specific illustration, if:

d = { -0.3, 
      -1.25 };


(trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1)) = 

   0.650   -  -0.300  =   0.950 
  -0.210   -   0.650  = -0.860 
   0.890   -  -0.210  =  1.100 
  -1.250   -   0.890  = -2.140


(trimr(d,2,0) - trimr(d,1,0)) = 

            -  -0.300  =   error, rows do not match (arguments not conformable) 
  -0.210    -   0.650  = -0.860 
   0.890    -  -0.210  =  1.100 
  -1.250    -   0.890  = -2.140

I am not certain what you are trying to do, but if you wanted the first and second lag of the first difference, you could to this:

first_diff = (trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1));
fd_lag12 = lagn(first_diff, 1| 2);

or simply

y = lagn(trimr(d,1,0) - trimr(d,0,1), 1 | 2);

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