Error generating from maxutil.src


I have been having trouble with the following error for quite some time now.

I would be very thankful, if someone could shed some light on what might have been producing the error.

whenever I am trying to run my code its generating an error which is pointing to a specific line number of the maxutil.src source file. I am copying the lines to which the error is pointing towards:

/*********lines from maxutil.src****************/

if not(LmaxActive == 0);

These are lines from within _max_deriv procedure; and I have checked and found that a is represented as .; hence the error I believe; but I am not sure what I have been doing wrong to not let "a" get calculated correctly.

I just wanted to mention that, I am supplying my own gradient function, it is supplying a nobs by K matrix where K is the number of parameters in my model and nobs is the number of observations.

I would appreciate your help regarding the issue.

Thank you much






4 Answers



Maxlik would reach that line of code only if you were setting active/nonactive parameters using the _max_Active global.  Is your program doing that?


Yes I am setting active/non-active parameters using_max_active; isn't that the right way to do it?

How should I let GAUSS know which parameters are active and which are not then?

Thank you much.





There may be something wrong with how you're setting the fixed and free parameters with _max_Active, or there could be a bug.   To be able to see what is wrong I need to be able to run your program.  Send a copy of your command file and any other required files to run it compressed into a zip file and send it to [email protected].


Thank you for help; the problem has been solved; I had some issues with my gradient function; for some observations the gradients were becoming "."; I believe that was what creating the problem; fixing that solved the problem issue for now.




Your Answer

4 Answers


Maxlik would reach that line of code only if you were setting active/nonactive parameters using the _max_Active global.  Is your program doing that?


Yes I am setting active/non-active parameters using_max_active; isn't that the right way to do it?

How should I let GAUSS know which parameters are active and which are not then?

Thank you much.





There may be something wrong with how you're setting the fixed and free parameters with _max_Active, or there could be a bug.   To be able to see what is wrong I need to be able to run your program.  Send a copy of your command file and any other required files to run it compressed into a zip file and send it to [email protected].


Thank you for help; the problem has been solved; I had some issues with my gradient function; for some observations the gradients were becoming "."; I believe that was what creating the problem; fixing that solved the problem issue for now.




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