Data handling

Scatter and stacked bar plot

NEW formula strings simplify loading and transforming data

//Load data, transform and estimate in one step
call ols("credit.xlsx", "ln(balance) ~ ln(income) + factor(sex)");

//Load data, reclassifying string column 'state' into numerical categories
X = loadd("census.csv", "income + household_size + cat(state)");

GAUSS 18 expands the previously integrated formula string syntax to allow single line data loading, transformation, and analysis. The enhanced formula string syntax :

  • Drastically decreases required lines of code.
  • Works with CSV, Excel, GAUSS datasets, HDF5, SAS and STATA datasets.
  • Supported automated transformations include:
    • apply transformations, such as `ln`, `exp` or any GAUSS procedure
    • create interaction terms
    • create dummy variables
    • reclassify string variables

Read SAS and STATA datasets

//Load SAS dataset, create interaction term and assign to GAUSS matrix 'X'
X = loadd("advertising.7bdat", "sales + radio * billboards + direct_mail");

//Load Stata dataset and compute descriptive statistics
call dstatmt("auto2.dta", "mpg + weight + gear_ratio");

Sharing data between GAUSS and other software just got easier! Not only does GAUSS 18 allow you to read SAS and STATA datasets, it also allows you to use SAS and STATA datasets directly as a data source for functions such as OLS, GLM and General Method of Moments

  • Complete compatibility with SAS and STATA datasets.
  • Import SAS and STATA datasets as data matrices.
  • Use SAS and STATA datasets as direct arguments in functions such as OLS, GLM and the GMM.

Improved Handling of Large Datasets

//Load large data in consecutive 1 GB blocks

//Load large data in consecutive blocks no larger than 10% of system memory

GAUSS 18 makes it easy to access and analyze large datasets with new, simple tools for controlling data processing. Users can now control data processing in terms of:

  • Percentage of available memory.
  • Simple memory specification.
  • Number of rows.

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