Jubscript using GRTM

I am trying to write and run the following job script using GRTM in a Cluster. But it is not working. The system takes the job and run forever without producing any output. Could you please advise me on this?



cd /share/apps/GRTM



#$ -o job1.log

#$ -j y

#$ -cwd

run /home/sajjadur.rahman/exprun/mgarch_12_lags_oil.g.gcg

exit 0


The job1.log file has this after running the job.



GAUSS Run-Time Module 12.1.8 (Oct  5 2012, 2840) 64-bit

(C)Copyright 1984-2011 Aptech Systems, Inc.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


2015-11-13 16:31:57 0512 Cannot open log file : '/share/apps/GRTM/tmp/command.sajjadur.rahman.log'






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