GAUSS Data Tool is a stand-alone program for working with GAUSS data sets. GAUSS Data Tool loads the columns of the data sets into a workspace as vectors where they can be transformed or modified using simple intuitive statements. Data sets can also be created by simulation using a variety of models, such as probit, logit, GARCH, linear. A new version of a data set can be generated where missing data are replaced by single or multiple imputations from a maximum likelihood estimation using the EM algorithm.
Variables can be copied from one data set to another. Data sets can be merged on the basis of a keylist; i.e., one or more columns that uniquely define the observations. They can be concatenated, sorted, or added to. Variables can be dropped or kept, or modified in complex ways using any of the GAUSS operators or functions, including its powerful matrix operations.
GAUSS Data Tool is customizable by adding your own functions for modifying data. Hooks are described in the manual for adding your own procedures for simulating data or handling missing data. For the Windows version, a graphical user interface provides much of this capability in menus, toolbars, and dialogues, as well as a command line interface that turns data handling into a set of simple direct statements that make short work of complex data problems.
Newly Added Features
* ASCII and Excel file conversions
* Handle missing data
* Create and simulate data sets
* Create new variables
* Delete observations
* Drop variables
* Keep variables and drop all others
* Execute GAUSS commands unfilteredList data sets
* List variable names and types
* Merge data sets on a key variable
* Select observations
* Sort data setCompute statistics on data set
* Simulate using various models, e.g., probit, logit, GARCH, linear
* Impute missing data using EM algorithm
Available now for Windows and Linux.