/****************************break_fh.txt**********************************************/ /* txt file for break tests*/ new; format /ld 6,4; cls; /*—————————————————–*/ /* Read Pakistan data from file as a matrix named mat, then get the variables from the columns of this matrix */ load mat[36, 6] = "Pakistan_data.txt"; Year = mat[.,1]; CO = mat[.,2]; GI = mat[.,3]; LY = mat[.,4]; EC = mat[.,5]; GL = mat[.,6]; bigt = rows(mat); /* Define the dependent variable ( denoted y below) and independent variables (collected in matrix ZZ) for regression */ /* Here the dependent is YY and the independent variables are FD, K, L and GL, collected in the matrix ZZ = [FD, K, L, GL] */ y = CO; /* Change Y and ZZ according to what you want to test */ ZZ = GI~LY~EC~GL; /* do not include (or add) a column of ones in ZZ matrix */ z = ZZ; /* Here, I select the first column of ZZ as a regressor to test the code as it is, change the definition of z according to your needs */ x = 0; q = 4; /* number of regressors whose coefficients are allowed to change: the intercept and slope */ p = 2; /* number of first differenced regressors used for DOLS estimation */ m = 3; /* maximum number of structural changes allowed */ eps1 = 0.15; /* Value of the trimming (in percentage) for the construction and critical values of the sup type tests */ h = int(eps1*(bigt-5)); /* minimal length of a segment (h >= q) */ /* the following are options if p > 0. ———————————– */ fixb = 0; /* set to 1 if use fixed initial values for beta */ betaini = 0; /* if fixb=1, load the initial value of beta. */ maxi = 20; /* maximum number of iterations for the nonlinear procedure to obtain global minimizers. */ printd = 0; /* set to 1 if want the output from the iterationsto be printed. */ eps = 0.001; /* criterion for the convergence. */ dotesting = 1; call pbreak(bigt,y,z,q,m,h,eps1,p,dotesting,fixb,x,q,eps,maxi,fixb,betaini,printd); /* —– Uncomment one of the following lines to perform the desired test —- */ /* #include C:\gauss10\break_tests1.src */ /* #include C:\gauss10\break_tests2.src */ @ #include C:\gauss10\break_tests2.src @ #include break_tests2.src @set the path to where you store the file@ end;